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Data Entry Operators: Can I Make Good Money?

In todays information age, organizations need to be able to process the rapidly growing amount of information. Data entry operators help to ensure that the information is handled efficiently and effectively.

Job description:

Data entry operators accurately and rapidly transcribe alphanumeric data from computers or other data entry devices to prepare data processing input on, tapes, cards or disks. They key in text into computers, perform clerical duties and operate various machines to help organizations keep up with the demand of this information age. The information may include membership lists, medical records and customers personal information. It is not often that data entry operators are required to access or manipulate the data but they may be asked to do so. In which case, they would manipulate existing data, edit current information, or proofread new material in the database.

Day in the life of a data entry operator:

-Enters routine to complex data for computer input using teleprocessing terminals, key-to-tape, key-to-key, and key-to- diskette or cardpunch machine.
-Follows established guidelines such as formats for entering data.
-After entering data, post to batch ticket or production log such as information as the batch type, quantity, operators name and section, data, number processed and number rejected.
-Identify errors on the source and make the necessary changes.

All data entry operators are required to have a high school education. In addition to that they will have to meet the employers keyboarding speed. The typical typing requirements are a typing speed of 45-50 words per minute, the ability to input numbers on a ten-key keyboard by touch, or a data keying speed of 10,000-12,000 keystrokes per hour (about the same as a typing speed of 40-45 words a minute).

Employers are increasingly looking to hire employees with previous training in business machine, word processing and data entry work. Some though, hire trainees and train them on the job. Data entry operators must be able to understand and follow detailed oral and written instructions, perform repetitive tasks accurately, and work well under pressure. Those looking to increase their desirability for employment can do so by improving their skills in keyboarding, spreadsheet, word processing, and data management software through community colleges, distance learning, and temporary help agencies.

Unlike many industries, employment for data entry operators is projected to decline through 2014. Computers are becoming more advanced. There are various programs and devices out there such as barcode scanners, voice recognition technologies, and sophisticated character recognition readers that perform the task without the help of data entry operators. Many organizations will increasingly take advantage of computer networks that allow data to be transmitted electronically and automatically, reducing the demand for data entry operators. Although demand will decline, the need to replace those who transfer and retire will create jobs. Those with expertise in appropriate computer software applications will have the best job opportunities.


Workers without experience start at $6.00 an hour and can go up to $11.00 an hour in larger cities. Experienced data operators earn between $7.50 and $17.00 an hour, depending on the field. The annual average for data entry operators is $28,000. High earners make about $43,000 while those in low percentage make about $18,000. Salaries of these wages differ depending on the field.
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Data Entry Opportunities:

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