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Image Processing Work from home jobs

In this digital world, financial institutions move towards an electronic and image exchange environment which permits them to accept a wide range of image processing files. By using cutting edge technology, data entry outsourcing assists global organizations to transform paper and electronic documents into a wide variety of output forms tailored to both traditional and e-commerce marketplaces.

Entry of data from image or keying index information, whatever be your image entry requirements, online data entry outsourcing has advanced technologies and the right people to perform image data entry tasks that best suit your needs, budget and schedule.

Photo Restoration and Retouching Services
Image Processing Outsourcing Services for photo retouching and restoration which gives you a new look and help you to bring your old memories back from your old Photographs.

Scaling and Cropping
Image Processing Company to scale down and crop the large images as per your requirement without loosing the beauty of the image along with its detail information.

Scanning and Photography
Image Processing Studio to do scan the photographs of your products from your catalog, brochure or magazine or any print format. All scanned photographs and images can be edited and additionally processed to remove minor image imperfection like small scratched or small unwanted objects in background..

Scanning Indexing Services
Image Processing-Editing Services to ensure accurate, high resolution scanning. With the advanced model high-speed scanners to convert documents and images into multiple formats like TIFF, GIF, RTF, PDF, and JPEG. All scanned documents and images are achieved and store into a compact disc. we can create index database or do data entry in the existing index database of the customer. You will have your data with you in any comfortable manner like email, CD, through FTP.

Blending and Texturing
Image Processing Outsourcing Services to merge two or more images and proceed it very well that images can be blended with background color or webpage or any other supported texture.

Color Adjustments
Image Processing Outsourcing Services deal with the most common lacking point of digital photographers such as contrast, brightness and quality of color.
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Data Entry Opportunities:

There are several websites of on-line marketplace for data entry services ! On-line marketplace allows you to buy and provide data entry services in a simple and secure manner. This is relatively new website on data entry and it is online marketplace for data entry, where you put your bid on data entry projects posted from all over the world.